Our message comes from Genesis 6:15 - 16. We all know the stories and facts presented in Genesis from Adam and Eve to Noah's Ark. Most people know them so well that they just quickly skim the passages and overlook very important and purposefull text. How many times d you think you would find Jesus in the old testament? Physically you don't read His name anywhere till you get to the new testament. BUT...
He is there as much in Genesis as he is in Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John! We often ovelook and read over too quickly the sotry of Noah. Godtld Noah, "There is nothing but wicked on this Eart of mine. I want you to build an ark to protect you and the your family and 2 of all the animals I created." We know this. We heard this story a thousand times growing up....but did we ever really look at the boat? The Bible takes time to mention Noah putting a window in the boat. On this enormous boat, he put only 1 teeny tiny window and guess where it was placed???? Above their heads!! Would you have only put 1 window in that enormous boat? But the meaning behind this particular scripture goes deeper than just a simple window.
Think about it, sadness always looks down. Lost always looks around. But hope always looks up. Where was that window again??? How many times do we stop and examine what we are reading or the purpose of the chosen text. How many times do we honestly look up when the storms of life are raining down? When storms roll in we aren't interested in loking at the sights. God knew this and that is why Noah's instructions were to only put 1 window and it was up, not to the side, and not down. When God destroyed the world the first time, He showed Noah and us that the only one way to look is up. When your eyes of your head, life, and spirituality fail to look up you are doomed. There is no way to succeed and make it i life's storms if you don't look up out that window of hope.
That window was there to remind the people on that boat not to lose hope and to keep looking up. This window wasn't much of a window either. It was very, very small. You've heard the statement, "With any inkling of hope." Isn't that a very small amount of hope? That is all it takes. If you look in Matthew 7, you will find a parallel verse for this particular passage in Genesis. "Straight is the way and narrow is the gate." Think about this small and narrow window. Through that small and narrow window they see God. That window is a symbol we are to use as a promise storms end only when we look up and follow our eyes through the narrow opening and find Jesus there. When looking for Jesus in the old testament you have to pay attention to the details. He is there. This little window proves this. Irony of Jesus in the Ark is that the Ark had to go through the storm. We are the ark. Just as Noah faced the storm for 40 days and 40 nights, we will also face storms. Unless you have God to seal you in and protect you and have Faith that He will do so, you are doomed. Like the ark sealed up, you should be sealed by the blood of Jesus. Storms will continue to rage around you but is Jesus in place to open your window of hope?