Saturday, December 29, 2012

Announcement December 30, 2012

Due to possible icy weather conditions, church for December 30, 2012 has been cancelled.  There will be NO SERVICES at Sparta Baptist Church tomorrow.  Any questions or concerns, please contact us (see contacts at right).  Thank you and God Bless!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Beauty and the Beast

Our message today comes from Revelation 4:6 8
And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.
And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.
And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

Chapter 4 of Revelation comes immediately after the 7 church letters.  Chapter 4 is a view into the throneroom of Heaven.  If I was to enter Heaven at this very moment, my eyes would take me directly to the throne of God and then to my surroundings but John focuses on the surroundings of the throne in Chapter 4.  The 4 beasts are set at stations that round about the throne of God.  When we read through this how often do we sit and think about this?  These 4 beasts are very important.  The 4 beasts are very different.  This was written symbolically.  What kind of aplication does that have on us?

Let's start with the first beast, the lion.  How many people have you heard refer to Jesus as the Lion of the head of Judah?  The lion symbolizes strength and regalness.  We all know the lion represents the King or head of the jungle.  The lion takes direct orders from God almighty.  The world tries to cage the lion in us.  Do we feel the urgency to wake up everyday ready to act like a lion and treat the day as a lion would or have we become meek and powerless creatures that roll over and allow the world to take over.  Just today I had a discussion with someone about our Awana's program starting.  I was told that due to school football leagues, their grandchild would be unable to attend Awanas because school football meets on Sunday afternoons.  There we go.  Case in point.  The world has us by the tail.  What would change that?  You guessed it.  Christians acting as lions and not allowing sports functions or school functions walk over God.  We need more Christians to stand up and tell these sports leagues that it is uncalled of.  What happened to not doing little league sports leagues or any work for that matter on Sundays?  Well, I'll tell you.  We have fallen into the trap of rolling over and allowing the world to take over.  We aren't lions anymore.  How many lions are out there in our churches and communities today?  God chose one to stand with Him at the throne.  Do you desire the heart of a lion?

The second beast is the calf.  Understading why God chose a lion is not that hard to see, but a calf?!  How many of you have ever prayed to be like a calf?  In order to understand why God chose a calf, we have to go back in time.  Back before cell phones, televisions and even the tractor.  Before the tractor came along, how did the farmer turn the field?  The ox and cows were the farmer's tractor in those days.  he calf repesents servanthood.  Calves were born to create a service to man just as we are born to create a service to God.  Calves not only provide service in the field but provided clothing and food.  How many of us wake up and pray to God that He make us like the calf.  God chose the calf to stand with Him at the throne.  Do you desire the heart of the calf?

The third beast has a face like a man.  Early in Genesis (chapter 1:27) God creates man.  He made both male and female and gave them dominion over everything.  Man sits a little higher than anything else God created.  With that dominion comes intelligence.  He made us different than any other animal on the planet.  You wouldn't walk into someone's home and find a donkey sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee.  Why?  Because they lack the same intelligence God gave man.  There isn't another creature just like us.  Sad thing is, we don't always exercise the right intellect.  We have become a world that relies on book wisdom rather than Godly wisdom.  We are satisfied with scientific answers for problems rather than Godly answers.  We don't study the word or spend enough time in prayer to equip ourselves with Godly wisdom.  Therefore we become numb and ignorant when it comes to what God desires us to be.  God chose wisdom to stand with Him at the throne.  Don't allow your human intelligence to supercede Godly wisdom.  Do you desire to have Godly wisdom?

The fourth beast is the flying eagle.  The most majestic of all.  Eagles are the most fierce of all the birds.  They are predators and hunters, giving them absolutely amazing sight.  They can spot their prey from miles and miles away.  They can be mid-flight and spot a tiny mouse in the middle of a corn field.  That is how keen their sense of sight is.  We can sit 2 feet away from a book and need our glasses.  However; when we first became Christians we had that vision and it was strong.  We knew without a doubt that God was calling u to move out of that pew and down the aisle.  We were given that vision of what we were to do.  God gave us that vision and calling.  Eagles have their great vision and act swiftly.  How many of us pray for vision of our futures or vision of our churches futures.  Do we pray that God give us a vision as to what He desires us to do?  God chose the eagle to stand with Him.  Do you desire that vision and hunt it out?  Do you study your bible and pray enough to seek that vision and plan God has for you and your church?  Do you desire vision?

We've talked about the beasts now let's talk about the beauty.  The 4 beasts had in common 6 wings each and many eyes.  Sounds crazy but the greatest thing about studying Revelation is that you can't study it without having Ezekial and Daniel open as well.  We discover that the beasts had human hands under those wings to symbolize the nail scarred hand.  Whose hands pull us in under the protection of the wing to keep us safe and steer us away from evil?  Jesus.  He reaches out to each of us and calls us by name.  He then pulls us in to harbor us under His protective wings.  The 4 beasts had many eyes all over.  Those eyes symbolize God's everknowing power.  He knows every feeling you have had or ever will have in your life.  He knows every tear you will cry before you do it.  He knows every thought you have and everything you do.  He knew them before He created you in your mother's womb.  He sees the bad things we do, but He also sees the good too.  He sees and still loves.  He knows and still forgives.  That is the beauty in knowing God and experiencing Him.   Now it is time to pray for the heart of a lion and stand up for your faith, the heart of a calf and serve God in everyway you can, Godly wisdom that God intended us to have and continue to seek to know more about Him, and the vision of the eagle so that you will make right decisions in your church and life. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

God's Grace

Our message today comes from 2 Corinthians 12:9
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Why is it that everyone is so stingy today with their time, words, thoughts, and prayers?  Why is it that we are so caught up in being right all the time that we don't offer grace and forgiveness to those that really need it?  Afterall, that is what Christ did for us.  He gave so much for us, and if we as Christians are representing His body, why aren't we doing as we are called to do?  He gave us grace.  Why can't we give grace to others?  Have you really experienced God's grace?  The best way to experience God's grace is to be the one that gives grace. 

Forgiveness is hard to do.  To admit guilt or wrongdoing is hard to do.  Yet, we are expected to give forgiveness and grace to those around us no matter what we feel for them.  In today's selfish world, where Chrisitans are persecuted for thier faith and we see so much filth, grace is hard to give.  But it is expected.  We forget that we have been there.  We weren't born into Christian faith....we had to learn it through God's grace.  God has shown us grace when we didn't deserve it and expects us to do the same to those around us no matter what they have done.  Matthew 5:13 - 16 says:
"You are the salt of the earth.  But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty?  It's no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled on by men.  You are the light of the world.  A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden.  No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven."

Seasoning the world or spreading God's light on the world is not some higher level of discipleship only a few are called to do.  For Jesus, changing the world is essential to true discipleship.  We are called to give grace.  We have to remember that those who have not found God yet, are in need of the same grace God gave to us.  You brighten a dark life when you share God's grace and your faith with others who need it.  You are called to forgive others just as Christ forgave you.  A changed life can change the world.  Like ripples on the water, one person can change the world.  Like salt and light, real Christians transform everything they touch. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Where Is The Lamb?

Today we look at Genesis 22:7.  A moment all Christians are reminded of what Father's Day is all about.
 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
Today's message looks at 3 points....
1.)  Where is your spirit?
2.)  Where is your heart?
3.)  Where is your faith?

To understand the message you have to know what occurred prior to this passage in scripture.  Abraham and Sarah wanted a child.  Abraham prayed for a child day in and day out.  God finally told Abraham that He was going to give Sarah a son.  Sarah, being in old age, couldn't believe it but became pregnant with baby Isaac.  Abraham loved Isaac as any father would love a son and felt he was a true gift from God.  Abraham taught Isaac every fatherly lesson he to love God, worship God, how to take care of the land, home, and family.  While Isaac was a boy, God gave Abraham a disturbing message that I am sure weighed heavy on Abraham's heart.  He said to Abraham, "Go get your son that I gave to you and sacrifice him back to me." 

First of all, only Abraham could do what Abraham did.  As a parent, I am not sure I could do as he did.  But the lesson in this scripture is clear.  Abraham didn't have any outside worldly idols between himself and God.  How about you?  Let's look back at those 3 points....The first being, "Where is your spirit?"
Where would you say Abraham's spirit was?  Imagine telling the family that they (he and Isaac) were going to the alter to worship.  The family wasn't allowed to go.  Imagine the twist in Abraham's gut as he loaded the donkeys with the wood and rope and his only son, Isaac.  Knowing what was going to take place....the dread and pain he felt.  It was likely the longest trip.  Abraham knew what lay ahead.  Isaac didn't.  Abraham had to muster up a lot of courage to tell his family they couldn't go and he had to take Isaac....the one child he had prayed for day in and day out.

Abraham's spirit was clearly broken but with God.  He was doing as God instructed him to do. 
Psalms 51:17 says:
17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

There was nothing between Abraham and the Lord that day.  We all too often have worldly tings between us and God.  Those things keep us from worshiping Him.  Abraham had nothing standing in the way of his worshiping the Lord.  He did exactly as God commanded him to do.

James 4:6 says:
But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
Was Abraham humble...yes.  Where was his heart?  With God.  Too often we put I, Me and My in the way of worship.  Abraham could have easily said, "No, his is MY son and YOU can't have MY son!"  But God owns all of us.  No mother nor father could count the hairs on a child's head nor could they count every tear or breathe life into a child's lungs.  God does this.  Abraham fully understood that Isaac was God's and God had graced Abraham and Sarah with Isaac.  Abraham loved Isaac but He loved God more. 

Now picture this and let it tug at your heart.  Isaac looks at the wood and the fire and asks, "Daddy, where is the lamb?"  Like so many times before Isaac had helped his daddy offer sacrifice for God in worship and Isaac realized that something was missing.  Imagine Abraham standing there having to look at Isaac and answer that question.  It does't take long for Abraham's heart to hurt.  Imagine the tears that fell from Abraham's face as he ties Isaac's hands and cries, "Son I don't understand this but I love you.  You are the sacrifice."  Imagine the pain in his heart as Isaac cries in fear. 
Matthew 6:21 says:
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Abraham clearly loved God.  Look at his offering.  Abraham's heart was prepared for worship.  He let nothing come between he and God.  Now let's look at how this story turns.
Genesis 22:10 - 12 says:
10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
11 And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.

Where was Abraham's faith?  Completely in God.  When was the last time you jumped completely on faith without a safety net under you?  This is what Abraham did.  He could have taken a sheep or a goat just in case God changed his mind, but he didn't.  He completely put his spirit, heart and faith in God's ail scarred hands. 

You know, we couldn't imagine having to sacrifice our own child.  Would you have the same courage and faith as Abraham had this been you? 

This is Father's Day.  You DO have a father that did this for you!  God did this just for you.  He loves you that much that He sent His ONLY son to die on a cross to save YOU.  He could've easily said, "No, you can't have MY son."  But He didn't.  Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son to show his obedience and love to God.  God was willing and DID sacrifice His only son to show YOU his love for YOU!  There is no other Father more deserving of a "thank you" than the almighty one.   

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Our message today comes from 1 Chronicles 4:9 - 10.
And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow.
10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.

Are you like Jabez?  Jabez knew that his name brought constant reminders of pain and agony that he brought to his mother as he came into the world.  Every time someone said his name he was reminded of the pain he brought to his mother.  He likely hated the life he lived day in and day out.  Can you imagine how that played on his self esteem daily?  Yet, it didn't deter him from calling out to God.  Jabez asked the Lord to bless him indeed.  We were all born into a particular life.  God placed us all in chosen families with particular situations.  Some of us have lived a nice cushy life where everything has come up daisies.  Others of us have wanted more out of life and have sought out better lives than we had growing up.  We all have  story but the question is.....are we like Jabez and seeking out the right path? 

Have you prayed and asked God to bless you indeed?  When men are sad, they seek out the bottle or work it off.  When women are sad, chocolate goes a very long way.  When Jabez was sad, he sought out God.  Think back to when you were little and wanted a particular toy so bad you could taste it.  Who did you go to?  Did you go to the parent that always said no?  No way!  You sought out the parent that you knew you could work over and melt in order to get it.  Problem is today that we have grown up and we try to take care of things ourselves.  Are you seeking the right source to fulfill your needs as Jabez did?

Jabez didn't just sit back and soak up his misery and he didn't just expect God to know he was unhappy.  Jabez did exactly as we should.....he sought out God for help and relied on God to fulfill his needs.

Notice what happened at the end of verse 10......"And God granted him what he had requested".  Is it because Jabez prayed that prayer and then decided to do something himself without God?  Nope.  He gave it completely to God.  If you refuse to let God take control of any part of your life, your requests will fall upon deaf ears.  You must be willing to turn your entire life and work over to God and let Him take charge of your life. 

Our scripture tells us, in so many words, that Jabez was unhappy with the life he had.  Yet, there was a word used in the scripture that described Jabez.  Did you catch it?  Jabez was MORE honorable than his brothers.  What do you suppose made him honorable? 

You have to be willing to give MORE to expect MORE.  If you belong to a church, your name is on the roll.  Is that good enough for you?  When you are gone from this earth, do you want to just be known as a name on a church's roll or do you want to be known for the way you lived for the King?  Be like MORE.

Do MORE....
Be MORE....
Expect MORE....
Know MORE....
Study MORE....
Read MORE....
Pray MORE....

The bible says Jabez was MORE honorable....what will the bible say about you?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Do You Fear the Lord?

Our message today comes from 2 Chronicles 7:14. 
14If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

If I were to ask you what is wrong with the youth in America today, what would you say?  If you thought long and hard about it, you would most likely end up saying they fear no one, have no consequences, lack respect in themselves and for authority.  And for the most part, you are right.  However; it isn't just the youth in America.  It is all of us.  Yeah, you read it right.  ALL of us have become too accepting of the sinful world around us that we fall into the same category as today's youth.  Wouldn't you say that God is the ultimate authority?  Do you fear Him as you should?

Have you ever been in a situation that you knew was wrong but you did it anyway?  You lacked the fear you needed to talk yourself out of that situation didn't you?  See, there is no NEW sin in the world today.  They are the same sins as biblical times.  They just come in different packages now.  Yet, we have allowed Satan to talk us out of doing what we KNOW is right.  Read that above scripture again.  "Humble yourself, pray, seek God's face, and turn from wicked ways.....then I will hear them."  This is a matter of respecting God enough to respect yourself and show it through your actions.  We should have reverence and respect.

Let's look at Psalms 111:10. 
10The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.

God expects us to fear Him.  You know that little pain in your gut when you have done something wrong?  You know, we call it guilt?  That is a good thing to have.  We should be teaching our children that we should have that guilt when we have done wrong.  That is what keeps us from doing the act again.  Wouldn't you say our world seems to be missing that feeling in the pits of our stomaches?  We have become a little too relaxed about things that the guilt we should be feeling is fading.  How can we respect God if we feel we can do no wrong?  That guilt provides us the necessary knowledge that we don't want the same outcomes again, therefore, we learn our lesson and refuse to perform the act.

Let's look at Hebrews 12:28.
28Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:

How can we serve God when we don't fear Him?  In order to respect God and do as God calls us to do, we must fear Him and the consequences that follow our sinful acts.  Do you think we still set moral boundaries for ourselves?  Here's some to think before marriage, curse words on television, sex on television, fighting/killing/violence in television or video games, and the list could really go on.  Were these things acceptable 50 years ago?  How about this one......working/cleaning on Sunday?  Was it acceptable 50 years ago.  This shows where we have gone as a society.  But today it seems, we all talk about how bad those things are on Sunday in church, but during the week, it's okay.  We forget that we are the temple at all times.  Just being a Christian on Sunday isn't what God wants.  And if we are doing that then we should be even more fearful of God.  Once Christ is in our hearts we are His temple and we must act that way even outside of church.  We should have the fear of God everyday of the week.  Not just on Sunday.  If you can't respect yourself and you act in such a harmful way through the week, you aren't respecting or fearing God.  Leveticus 19:30 says:
30Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am the LORD.
His sanctuary is not just a white sacred building with 4 walls.  YOU are His sanctuary.

Let's look at 2 Samuel 9:6.
6Now when Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan, the son of Saul, was come unto David, he fell on his face, and did reverence. And David said, Mephibosheth. And he answered, Behold thy servant!

Why are our jails full of people who can walk out in broad daylight and kill someone without any fear of the consequences to come?  Why doesn't it affect people when they are sentenced to life in prison or being placed on death row?  Why do women walk around with 6 children by 6 different fathers and act like it is okay?  Because there is a lack of respect and reverence for ourselves and for God. 

You know, there are those who have totally given up hope.  They think their lives are so far gone that it can't be fixed.  Some would stay out of chuch simply because they feel they have to do this dramatic overnight change.  But we must remind those lost that it is okay to build boundaries one step at a time.  In fact, we all need to begin doing that.  None of us are immune to sin.  In order for our church to get back to the way it should be, we all have to do that.  In order for this country to get back to the foundations it was built on, we have to do that.  It is one step at a time.  We need to turn back the clock for our values.  Look at everything that is accepted in today's world.  They weren't accepted 50 years ago.  We have become way to comfortable with the times changing.  And they aren't changing for the better.

Proverbs 10:27 says:
27The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.

This can be done.  We can rebuild our nation and redirect our nation's attention on the core values it was built on.  It can't be done overnight by us.  We must have Faith that God will help us but we ourselves must have enough respect and reverence for the Lord in order to have that Faith.  We must be willing to live the way God wants each of us to live.  If our neighbor sees us skipping out on church to go to a baseball game or to work in the yard, think about the message that is sending to him/her.  There's that lack of fear.  That wouldn't have been acceptable 50 years ago.....but today it seems okay.  But to who?  Not God.  That is the same as having idols before God.  Anything that comes between you and God is an idol.  We ourselves, have become too accepting and Satan is using that to destroy our churchs, communities, and nation.

We must make changes to what is okay for us to do.  We must lay down new boundaries for ourselves and begin building our community with respectable values and morals, our nation with respectable values and morals, and yes.....our churches to have respectable values and morals.  We must fear the Lord.  Remember this, to produce seed, you must first plant a seed.  It only takes one.  Let that one be YOU.  Change what is acceptable for you today.  Others will see the changes in you and will follow.  Do you fear the Lord enough to make that change?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

How's Your Real Estate?

Our message today comes a very small book in the Bible.  Ever heard of the saying that dynamite comes in small packages?  That just about sums up the book of Haggai.  Dynamite in a small package.  Our scripture comes from Hagai 2:4-9.
4Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel, saith the LORD; and be strong, O Joshua, son of Josedech, the high priest; and be strong, all ye people of the land, saith the LORD, and work: for I am with you, saith the LORD of hosts:
 5According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not.
 6For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land;
 7And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts.
 8The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.
 9The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.

Not a lot is known about Haggai, but what we do know is that he can be found in the book of Ezra and that within a 10 year period, he brought 4 messages to the house of Israel.  To understand the message today, we must look at what was going on historically at that time.  At that time, Israel had been ordered to hault erecting the temple.  God had told them to stop and work on their own homes.  Our message today is on our homes.

We will be diving in and studying 3 different types of "home". 
The first is your personal, physical home. 
What does your house look like?  Its not really what type of home you live in because value means nothing.  It is about how you take care of your home and the things God has given you.  Why should this matter?  Because our daily lives are a mirror reflection of our spiritual lives.  God tells us in verse 4 to "work".  Did you read over that word without thinking about it.  Yeah, it's there.  If you fail to take care of your yard or is a reflection of how much you care.  If you are a lazy person, most likely you are a lazy Christian.  Many a man live in what we would consider, shacks.  Does he/she take care of that shack though?  Is it clean, taken care of?  Or are the weeds grown so high that you can't walk through the yard without brushing them with your elbows?  Are there dirty dishes piled high in the sink and on the counter full of last week's meal?  It doesn't matter how much your home is does matter though how you take care of it.  Now, really....why should anyone care about my house but me?  I'll tell you why....

The second is your spiritual home.
Our daily lives and how we take care of what we have is a mirror reflection of how we take care of our spiritual lives.  If you are dedicated to keeping the things you have in good condition, chances are that your spriritual life is also in good condition.  You are more likely to pick up your Bible on more days of the week than just on Sunday.  You probably pray for those on the prayer list on a daily basis.  It all goes back to DEDICATION.  When you dedicated to keeping things nice, you keep them nice in ALL areas of your life, including your spiritual walk with God.  We have all heard that everything we own is not really ours.  It is like rental property.  What happens when you are renting but you don't take good care of the item or home?  You end up paying a price for it.  There is always some fee or charge for damages.  Everything we have in life is God's.  We are only renting it.  Our entire life as we know it, including our physical body is rental property.  We have to take care of it all, our physical and spiritual homes included.

Now, before we jump into the 3rd house, let's look at some more scripture.   It says in Haggai 1:9:
9"You look for much but you find little.  When you bring it home, I destroy it.  Why?  asks the Lord.  Because you all work hard for your own houses while my house is still in ruins."

The third house is God's house.
Do you honor God with your tithes and offerings?  Do you use your spiritual gifts for the glory of God?  Are you working as hard to fill the church with believers and take care of the church body and building  as you are your personal homes?  God wants His people to build His house.  He says, "I blessed you with your own house, now it's times to build the house of God."  Consider your ways.  Are you walking for you and your own pride or are you walking for God?  When your spiritual house is in order....then your personal house and God's house will be in place.  You have to get yourself right with God first.  God tells us in today's scripture to begin building His temple......but you have to remember what happened before this.  He had stopped them from building His temple so they could all work on their own homes.  It is time for us to clean the cob webs out of the corners and add a fresh coat of paint to our spiritual homes so that we can work the way God calls us to do in His house.

Now is the time to invest in your real estate.  Take care of what you have been given physically and spiritually.  Use your spiritual gifts to do the work God has called us to do.  Study the word.  Work on your spiritual property.  The property is worth the price.  Afterall, it is God's!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

God Q and A

Our message today comes from the most famous and most memorized scriptures within the Bible.  John 3:16 is well known around the Christian world as the most memorized and studied scripture ever.  With Easter on our heels, it is important for us to be reminded of this scripture as well as John 3:17.   We will be examining 4 questions frequently asked by all.  These questions are all about God.  Christians are faced with these questions as we go out into the world and try to grow our churches and our army.  Therefore; it is important that our views and answers are crystal clear even to us, so that cloudiness doesn't hinder our ability to win people to Christ as we are all called to do.

John 3:16 - 17 says:
16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
 17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

4 Questions we all face:
1.)  Is God real?
2.) How does He communicate with people?
3.) Will He forgive me?
4.)  Does He really love me?

Let's look at each questions one at a time.
Is God real?
Do you know that 90% of the world says they believe in God?  However; how we view God is very different.  Some believe that God does not reveal himself to humanity and generally does not intervene in what happens in the world....though they do believe He created the world.  Some believe that God is the universe itself.  Others seem more atuned to Him being merely a spirit within humanity.  Some see an angry and vindictive God, while others see God as so loving that He couldn't judge anyone.  The Christian has always defined God as a being who is far beyond our comprehension but we know He is all around us constantly protecting and guiding.  We know this and believe this through FAITH.

During WWII newslines read, "God is dead."  But if you get nothing else from this message, know this....God is real and alive.  Most seasoned Christians could go on and on for hours at telling of His power and proving He is real and we can find scripture to back ourselves up.  You know, the secular people want to educate everyone in the world and try to explain and disect everything that happens or has happened in history.  Many people walking this earth can not believe in something they have never seen and they have a hard time believing things that can't be explained through science.  Scientists everywhere work diligently to explain everything to us.  Maybe we try to explain too much...there are many miracles everyday that can't be explained through science.  When I had my daughter, I didn't create the miracle of that birth.  I didn't give my beautiful child breath.  God did.  How does the ocean know exactly how far on the sand it can go?  How do the stars know exactly where to shine?  How does the earth know exactly how slow or fast to rotate?  How does the bird learn it's specific song?  God, God, God, God, God.  He can't be explained.  His miracles in life can't be explained through science.  It is when we deny His existence that we get in trouble. 

In Exodus chapter 3, Moses was called into ministry.  Moses gave legitimate excuses to God and had very reasonable questions for Him.  "These people don't know me and you want ME to go and talk to them?"  God said, "YES".  Moses:  "Who will I tell them sent me to talk to them?"  God replied, "Tell them I AM sent you....that's all you need to say is I AM."  You can't explain God....He is the I AM.  It is only by FAITH that we believe in God....not by calculations or formulas or explanations.....FAITH!  We have THE ultimate scientist working for us and He says, just have FAITH and believe in ME!

Second Question:
How Does God Communicate With Me?
Each of us can give a different answer.  Does God talk directly to people today as He did with some in the Bible many years ago?  Yes He does.  God wants to talk to us all the time and could talk to us all day if we would let Him.  Have you ever been wrestling with something in your life or your heart?  And then out of the blue someone says something to you that practically answers your questions you have been wrestling with?  Or have you had a dream where answers to your life's challenges are revealed to you?  Has someone ever come into your presence and given you words of encouragement or a hug just when you needed it most?  God....God....and God again.  He doesn't just speak audibly or through others, but He can speak through scripture and worldly events as well.  Scripture isn't just a bunch of words to read about history or God's creation or Jesus' life....scripture is literally our life owner's manual.  It isn't coincidence that many figures within the Bible face the same problems and issues we do today.  It isn't coincidence that some of the most Godly humans recorded in the scriptures were once murderers and adulterers.  That is purposely placed in the Good Book so WE can see how to live today and see that regardless of what we have done in our lives, God still has a divine plan for each of us.  We just have to be ready to listen.  Many of us walk around with ear plugs in our ears, tuning God out, until we need Him.  What we really don't understand is that we need His guidance at ALL times, not just in times of great need.  We have a tendency to think that as long as life is going good and we are in control, everything is great.  But boy when something goes wrong we begin to question God and begin begging for Him to reveal answers to us, when if we were seeking His guidance all along, we probably never would have gotten ourselves in the mess in the first place.

Question 3:
Will He forgive me?
The answer is simple....YES!  If you are sincere in your plea, He WILL forgive ANYTHING you have done.  The only thing He will NOT forgive is allowing yourself to take your last breath without ever accepting Him while on earth.  Once you shut your eyes and take your last breath it is too late.  You can not make a last minute decision at the pearly gates.  But there isn't anything that you could have done in this world that God can not forgive.  Remember, is not coincidence that some of the most Godly men in the Bible were at one time murderers and adulterers.  They lied, cheated, name it....God forgave them and He will you too.  But you have to be sincere.  You can fool any other human on this earth.  You can fool other believers in the church, but you can't fool God.  He knows your heart.  The church walls will not explode if you walk into the church.  Again, no sin is too great for God to forgive.  Every sin available today was available back when Jesus walked the just came in different packaging.  That is why reading your Bible and diving into daily scripture reading is so you can see your life parallel with someone else's.  The more you read, the more you realize that the sins you have committed are not as unforgivable as you think they are.  God wans us to know wwe are no different than any sinner before us.  He forgave them and used them then and He WILL do the same for you. 

And question 4:
Does He love me?
Love has been given a very bad name.  People use and abuse those words way too often.  Men will abuse their wives but in the same breath tell her those empty words to make things temporarily better.  Many do not know what love really is.  You don't know love until you have God in your heart and understand what He did for you.  God sent His son  to take nails through his hands and feet.  Because He loves YOU.  He sent His son to drip blood and have a sword driven into his side.  Because He loves YOU.  He sent His son to be mocked and ridiculed and to gasp for breath while gravity tore at his hands and feet.  Because He loves YOU.  He DOES LOVE YOU!  God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to walk our walk and to die for us so that we could be forgiven.  Jesus knew it was coming, yet, he didn't cry out for them to stop.  He never asked them to take it easy on him.  He never faught back.  He took every beating, harsh word, stab, nail, for YOU.  Because He loves YOU.

If you have been moved by this message and feel you need some not hesitate to call or communicate with our deacons listed or our pastor.  If you would like to visit Sparta Baptist Church, do not hesitate.  God may be moving in you and remember...ALLsins are forgivable except denying Christ.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Are You Sure Your Name is on the Roll?

Our message today comes from Ezekial 9:1-11.
 1He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying, Cause them that have charge over the city to draw near, even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand.
 2And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer's inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brasen altar.
 3And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writer's inkhorn by his side;
 4And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.
 5And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity:
 6Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house.
 7And he said unto them, Defile the house, and fill the courts with the slain: go ye forth. And they went forth, and slew in the city.
 8And it came to pass, while they were slaying them, and I was left, that I fell upon my face, and cried, and said, Ah Lord GOD! wilt thou destroy all the residue of Israel in thy pouring out of thy fury upon Jerusalem?
 9Then said he unto me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceeding great, and the land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness: for they say, The LORD hath forsaken the earth, and the LORD seeth not.
 10And as for me also, mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity, but I will recompense their way upon their head.
 11And, behold, the man clothed with linen, which had the inkhorn by his side, reported the matter, saying, I have done as thou hast commanded me.

Have you ever prayed and prayed and wondered where God was?  If so, you need to consider two things. 
1.)  God is either working on His own time and feels there is something else He wants to show you or...
2.)  You aren't really saved.

I think I'd rather have the first be the reason my prayers are not answered when I want them to be.  The second is scary.  You know, God knocks on many hearts more than once.  Many times He sends someone or something our way to get our attention so we may open our hearts to Him.  How many times have YOU not answered that call or knock at the door?  Are you saved? 

If you are a person who is attending church but you haven't accepted Christ into your heart yet, you need to.  Just attending church and working in the church does not get you a ticket into Heaven.  Good works cannot save you.  You won't earn salvation till you accept God as your Savior. 

You can't work to be saved, but once you are saved you are to work.  You may not know what you are called to do or what your spiritual gifts are.  Many believe the only job to do in a church is to teach but it isn't.  If you are wondering what your spiritual gifts are and how you can serve your church, a simple google search will pull up many spiritual gifts tests.  You "googlers" will understand this.  Simply type in "spiritual gifts test" and it will pull up several on line and paper copies you can download.  This is crucial if we are going to do what God asks us to do on this Earth.  You know God may just be checking to see if you are WILLING to go and do.  But be warned:  Doing things in a church and acting on your spiritual gifts do not get you into Heaven.  They won't give you a mark for doing just good things.  You don't earn brownie points.  You have to accept God into your heart and believe in Him.

Have you ever knocked on the doors of the White House and invited yourself in to dine with the president himself?  No?  Well why not?  It is because you know if you do, every protection agent will get you.  He is inaccessible!  Yet....the Bible tells us to call on those who have charge over us.  Our president falls into that category as does our senators, representatives, and governors.  However; how are we to call on them when they are inaccessible?  Guess what.....our country is in such a shape that many really don't want us to call on them.  In fact, many avoid us Christians because they are afraid we will pull their skeletons out of their closets.  Which by the way, election time is approaching and we need to take a really deep look at our candidates.  We need to choose only those candidates that are as closely committed to serving God as our founding fathers did when they founded this very country we live in.

In our scripture, God is telling Ezekial to go out and to kill those who are not marked and that includes those that hold charge, those that hold weapons, anyone not bearing  a mark.  If you look back in the scripture you will find that these slayings began in God's own house.  What does that tell us today?  He will start calling on those within the church walls.  And guess what???  There are people sitting in our church pews today in all churches around this nation.....unmarked!  But He tells Ezekial, "Slay EVERY person without a mark, but come notnar anyone with a mark."  How do you become marked?  Accept Christ as your Savior!  But wait a thought everyone that attended church is going to Heaven?  NO!  Only those that are saved and have accepted Christ into their hearts and have asked for forgiveness.  There are unmarked people in ourchurches.  And one day very soon, God will say enough is enough.

If you are UNMARKED/UNSAVED listen up:  You will only have so many witnesses, preachers, Christians sent to you, begging you to come to church with them, accept Christ, listen to what God has done in the lives of those you encounter.....but remember this....when God has had enough, he's had enough.  The next time someone invites you to church or the next time someone tries to talk to you about God' awesomeness and power, may very well be your last chance. 

When you face God on your judgement day, do you want to hear him say, "I knocked, and I knocked, and I knocked many, many times, but you never answered.  I am sorry my child, I cannot let you in"?  Don't pass up the opportunities God is giving you.

If you ARE already MARKED.....Who are you bringing with you on judgement day?  Will you be there standing alone or will you be there surrounded by those you have shared the Good News with?  You will have to answer for the works you do or do not do here on earth.  God is sending us to "Knock" for Him.  Are you doing your job?  Are you using your spiritual gifts the way they should be used?  We are to be like dandelions blowing in the breeze.  Each dandelion creates more and more seeds to blow in the wind and spread.  If you are not spreading the seeds of God, we will never win people to Christ.

So now I ask you, are you sure your name is on the roll in Heaven?  If not, this may be you last chance....don't miss it!  Seek out someone you know is indeed a Christian to help you know who God is.  And you may be scared to do this, but all Christians have done it before.  We weren't born this way, we have all had to go through what you are going through.  You are never alone in your decision.  We all understand the feelings you have because we, too, have been there.  Do not hesitate!  God is knocking on your door at this very moment.  All you have to do is answer.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Are You Fireproof?

I simply love messages like today's!  I love a good mind challenge where you have to make connections in order to understand things better.  Today's message did just that!  It is amazing how God's word that was written long ago has a tremendous meaning even in today's world where so much has changed. 

Today Bro. Edd Deaton made connections between a very popular story of Moses and the parting of the Red Sea to Revelations.  Our main message comes from Revelations 15:2 - 3, but we will be diving into Exodus 15 some as well (since that is where we find the recount of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt). 

Revelations 15:2 - 3 says:
2And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.
 3And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.

You know, there will come a day when the devil will copy God and try to fool you.  The only way to prepare yourself and keep yourself from falling into his trap is to read and study your Bible.  We will be comparing ourselves (Christians) to the Israelites.  We all know the story of Moses and how he led the Israelites out of Egypt from Pharoah's grip and led them through prayer to the Red Sea, where God parted the waters and the Israelites crossed one by one to safety and freedom.  It is a story we have grown up with in church. Anyone who went to Sunday School as a child has heard this story.  Amazingly it connects to us today.  For those that have never heard it.....Israelites were under a strong bondage of the Pharoah.  They slaved for him and his followers.  They were mistreated and overworked.  Now, how are you connected to the Israelites???  Israel was a slave to bondage and you are a slave and in bondage until you accept the Lord into your heart.  We know that God pulled His people out of Egypt and bondage just like He pulls you out of bondage when you accept Him.  You become protected. 

Satan can chase you down and threaten you, just like the Pharoah chased the Israelites and tried to capture them, but He can't have you once you belong to God.  God parted the troubled waters for the Israelites just like He parts the waters for you.  Satan can not touch you.  You are a child of God.  God that provides everything you need.  God that wraps His arms around you and shelters you from all storms.  God that shows light at the end of a dark tunnel.  God who gives answers when answers seem to be lost.  It is easy to forget just how powerful our God is in this busy busy world we live in.  Sometimes, even the best Christians need to be reminded to let God be God.  We sometimes only see tall mountains and huge roadblocks Satan sets in our paths and we forget to look up.   We act as the Israelites did.  We begin to panic and fret and complain.  We sometimes forget to just let God part those troubled waters.  Actually, all too often, we try to part the waters ourselves and get frustrated when we can't do it.  And God allows us to do so, because He knows eventually we will drag our stubborn selves to Him and ask for help and forgiveness.

Imagine this scenario:  You are running for your life.  You are trusting this man named Moses.  The Pharoah and his army is close behind you.  They are so close you can hear their yells and almost smell their anger.  What do you do?  You cry out for help and mercy.  Now compare this to your life today....what do you do when troubles are on your tail?  You cry out for help.  Moses heard them and HE prayed for them.  The Israelites depended on Moses to pray for help instead of praying themselves.  This happens today too.  When troubles come knocking on our doorstep, what do we do?  We call our deacons, pastors, and church to pray.  We all have God's number.  It is simply P-R-A-Y-E-R.  We have just as much access to God as our deacons, pastors, and church family does.  Prayer builds faith.  You must talk with God and trust God in order to have that Faith that He will part those troubled waters for you.

Why hasn't God destroyed the Earth yet?  We are definately living in a very corrupt world.  Maybe, God is parting the waters for His churches right now.  God is holding back those waves so our churches can make safe passage through.  Remember what happened the very second the last Israelite made it safely across?  The Pharoah and his army had begun to cross but the sea engulfed them and they all drowned.  God allowed the waves to wash over the evil.  The Pharoah and his chariots were caught in the water.  When the last church crosses through, God will allow the parted waters to engulf and rage over the earth. 

Now, I know what you are thinking.  "Wait a minute, I know that the earth will never again be destroyed by flood.  I remember hearing that in church."  But hold up.....did you read the scripture for the message?  Did you read enough into it?  Let's backtrack for a minute.  Here it is again (and this is so good it will give you goosebumps).... 
2And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.

"A sea of glass mingled with fire" are right...he won't destroy it again by flood but by fire.  The fire will engulf this sinful earth just as the sea engulfed the evil that followed the Israelites. 

Now the question is this:  You may be crossing this parted sea right now.  Look around you.  Are you parting it alone.  Have you grabbed as many people to go with you?  Are you helping others across.  Some people on this earth have no clue where the sea is.  Are you leading them there?  Are you showing them how to get there?  How many will you leave behind to be engulfed by the waves of fire that will destroy this earth?  It is our job to be like Moses.  To pray and lead people to the water.  We may get across but in the end, God will ask you who you brought with you.  You will have to answer for your actions and decisions. 

One final point:  EVERY Israelite made it safely across.  Not just a couple, not a few....ALL.  There will be NO CHRISTIAN left behind. 

Exodus 14:30 says:  30Thus the LORD saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the sea shore.

When the fires rage, there won't be a SINGLE UNSAVED man get across or through, but EVERY SAVED man will make it.  Now is the time to invest in your future.  There is no foreclosure on you.  God owns you flatout.  You are worth it to Him.  Make it worth it to you!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Soul Suday!!!!

Today, as all of you know, is the celebration of the Super Bowl.  Watching the Super Bowl is exciting for all.  It could be a good day to be a witness to someone or be a good Christian role model.  However; we all know people who take this game very, very seriously.  Some even put money it.  This message today is a fitting one.  Our message today comes from Isaiah 45:22.
22Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.

The message is a simple one to understand and it doesn't take a philosopher to disect it and read anything into it.  It is easy and simple to understand but it is a difficult one to follow.  It is about idols.

No, not the little carved men from other countries.  The idols we are talking about today are the ones we hate to admit we have.

God has been teaching man this lesson since the beginning of time.  God has always taught and continues to teach today, "Look unto me and be saved."  If our church was a house for saints we wouldn't go to church.  If you are waiting for the perfect time to go to church, if you are waiting to clean up your act first, you will never go.  The point is we are all sinners.  We all have issues within our own lives and demons we are all dealing with.  We all have our idols (though we hate to admit that we consider them idols).  As I said, idols don't have to be those little green men made of jade or hand carved pieces of wood.  Idols come in all forms.  Your idol may be a fixation on a sport, or an infatuation with your job, or howabout your appearance?  Idols could also be in name brands, sports cars, a hobby, a habit, anything that you put above God.  Idols are built from ego and pride.  We are all guilty of that. 

Let's look at some of the instances where God taught lessons against having idols.  Look at the Pharoah.  He thought of himself as a God or an idol.  In 1 Samuel 5:1 we read about the Philistines who worshipped a fish god.  They failed to see that God was the one that provided them with their riches from the sea and they gave credit to the fish god.  God tried showing the Philistines that there should be no other Gods or idols before Him.  God knocked over that erected idol they built of their fish god 2 times.  The third time they picked it up and made sacrifices to it, God turned it to dust.  God says, "There shalt be no other idols before me."

God will not allow you to continue to follow idols.  This teaching is not new to God.  Only our idols have changed.  How many times do you think God has tried getting you to stop worshipping your own idols.  Think of the events in your life where maybe God was trying to talk to you or get your attention.  There are others from the Bible that God had to put in their place.  The list is long but to name a few:  Naaman, Jonah, Nebuchadnezzar, the Philistines and list goes on.

Look at our country.  Do you think our country has the same morals and values as we did 100 years ago?  Knowledge and Power have become our idols.  We have so many things at our fingertips.  Information is all around us.  We live in a high tech world.  We live in a society with everything offerd to us and it is readily available. 

Anyone wonder why our country is in the mess it is in?  God is knocking down our idols.  We spend too much time looking to the wrong places for guidance.  How many times did God knock down that fish god idol before turning it to dust?  God is knocking down our idols.  God tells us to look upon Him for salvation.  But our nation and people in our nation are looking in other spots for excitement, peace, and happiness.  Here are a few we tend to look to for those things:   Our Presidents, Senetors, Democrats, Republicans, Facebook, Actors and Actresses, Music stars, Television, the News, the Superbowl or other Sports, Hot Cars, Those Shoes and Purses you have in your closet.  Some even look up to the Preacher and view them as idols.  Where are you hiding your idols?  It is time to stop looking up to anyone or anything other than God Himself. 

The scripture says, "Look unto me for salvation!"  Take your eyes off yourself and your idols and turn your eyes on Jesus.  Instead of celebrating the Super Bowl, let's celebrate something worth celebrating.....making your life a Super Soul!!!  Accept God as your Savior and look only to Him for happiness and salvation in your life.  Only God being on your team allows you the chance at winning this game called LIFE!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What Do I Do?

Our message comes from Genesis 37: 23 - 24
23And it came to pass, when Joseph was come unto his brethren, that they stript Joseph out of his coat, his coat of many colours that was on him;
 24And they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit was empty, there was no water in it.

How many times have you found yourself in a place where you didn't know what to do or which way to turn?  There is an old sayin, "You gotta take the lesser of the two evils."  There needs to be a clear understanding of something that will help us from this day forward.  THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING IS GOD!  Everything is in His control.  There is absolutely nothing that happens in life that God doesn't already know about.  In our heads we know all our options but we have no clue which way to go.  When forced to choose which path to take, do you look for God?  Anytime somthing bad happens you should look for God in it.  We find ourselves looking at God ad sometimes even blaming God when we are forced through life's trials.  Whether you are like Joseph catapaulted into the situation or if you are more like Saul and Go is pressing you, we always end up questioning God.  "Oh, God why is this happening to me?"  "Why me?"  "What did I do to deserve this?"  Instead of asking "Why, why, why?"  We should be asking, "God what are you trying to teach me?"  Godhas always been, stil is, and always will be in cntrol.  The problem is....we don't let Him.  We want to control everything ourselves.  If God wants your attention, He's going to get it. 

You think things are running smoothly.  You are living your life the way you want it.  You realize you aren't spending as much time going to church, Sunday school, praying, or worshiping with others, but that's not so bad.  It couldn't be bad...look at all the good things happening in your life.  But uh, oh!  Something goes wrong.  Things begin to unravel.  Where is this coming from?  What did I do to deserve this?  Why me? 

Back up!  God wanted your attention so He got it.  We each have an important role to play on this Earth.  We each have jobs to do and shoes to fill in the church and ou communities.  God chose us each to serve in those jobs and if we aren't doing it then He will get our attention.  I can't do your job and you can't do mine.  It's like a puzzle.  We each are a piece that completes the whole picture.  Without one piece, the picture is incomplete and unappealing.  But when all the pieces are put into place, the picture draws you in.  It is complete.

Instead of asking God, "Why you are being punished", ask Him to show you what He is trying to teach you.  We often get too hung up on being selfish people that we are missing God's message and lesson.  God says, "Be still and know that I am God."  He wants us to be still.  When we are in question about life are we being still and allowing God to teach us or are we trying to control everything ourselves.  You might as well give up on controling the situation yourself.  It won't work.  He won't allow it. 

When you fail, it isn't God punishing you.....He is polishing you.  You are like a diamond.  God polishes you up.  You can't be a perfectly shaped and polished diamond without a little chiseling and rough buffing!  We have to let God polish and shape us.  The more difficult we are, the harder he buffs!  Like I said, He WILL get your attention.  If we continue to turn our heads and ignore Godin our trials and admit we are justbeing polished, then we will never shine.  We must be still and let God take control or we will never see God in the trials.  Look for God in everything whether it be good or bad.  I promise you, He IS there and IS in CONTROL!  LET GO!