Sunday, March 18, 2012

God Q and A

Our message today comes from the most famous and most memorized scriptures within the Bible.  John 3:16 is well known around the Christian world as the most memorized and studied scripture ever.  With Easter on our heels, it is important for us to be reminded of this scripture as well as John 3:17.   We will be examining 4 questions frequently asked by all.  These questions are all about God.  Christians are faced with these questions as we go out into the world and try to grow our churches and our army.  Therefore; it is important that our views and answers are crystal clear even to us, so that cloudiness doesn't hinder our ability to win people to Christ as we are all called to do.

John 3:16 - 17 says:
16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
 17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

4 Questions we all face:
1.)  Is God real?
2.) How does He communicate with people?
3.) Will He forgive me?
4.)  Does He really love me?

Let's look at each questions one at a time.
Is God real?
Do you know that 90% of the world says they believe in God?  However; how we view God is very different.  Some believe that God does not reveal himself to humanity and generally does not intervene in what happens in the world....though they do believe He created the world.  Some believe that God is the universe itself.  Others seem more atuned to Him being merely a spirit within humanity.  Some see an angry and vindictive God, while others see God as so loving that He couldn't judge anyone.  The Christian has always defined God as a being who is far beyond our comprehension but we know He is all around us constantly protecting and guiding.  We know this and believe this through FAITH.

During WWII newslines read, "God is dead."  But if you get nothing else from this message, know this....God is real and alive.  Most seasoned Christians could go on and on for hours at telling of His power and proving He is real and we can find scripture to back ourselves up.  You know, the secular people want to educate everyone in the world and try to explain and disect everything that happens or has happened in history.  Many people walking this earth can not believe in something they have never seen and they have a hard time believing things that can't be explained through science.  Scientists everywhere work diligently to explain everything to us.  Maybe we try to explain too much...there are many miracles everyday that can't be explained through science.  When I had my daughter, I didn't create the miracle of that birth.  I didn't give my beautiful child breath.  God did.  How does the ocean know exactly how far on the sand it can go?  How do the stars know exactly where to shine?  How does the earth know exactly how slow or fast to rotate?  How does the bird learn it's specific song?  God, God, God, God, God.  He can't be explained.  His miracles in life can't be explained through science.  It is when we deny His existence that we get in trouble. 

In Exodus chapter 3, Moses was called into ministry.  Moses gave legitimate excuses to God and had very reasonable questions for Him.  "These people don't know me and you want ME to go and talk to them?"  God said, "YES".  Moses:  "Who will I tell them sent me to talk to them?"  God replied, "Tell them I AM sent you....that's all you need to say is I AM."  You can't explain God....He is the I AM.  It is only by FAITH that we believe in God....not by calculations or formulas or explanations.....FAITH!  We have THE ultimate scientist working for us and He says, just have FAITH and believe in ME!

Second Question:
How Does God Communicate With Me?
Each of us can give a different answer.  Does God talk directly to people today as He did with some in the Bible many years ago?  Yes He does.  God wants to talk to us all the time and could talk to us all day if we would let Him.  Have you ever been wrestling with something in your life or your heart?  And then out of the blue someone says something to you that practically answers your questions you have been wrestling with?  Or have you had a dream where answers to your life's challenges are revealed to you?  Has someone ever come into your presence and given you words of encouragement or a hug just when you needed it most?  God....God....and God again.  He doesn't just speak audibly or through others, but He can speak through scripture and worldly events as well.  Scripture isn't just a bunch of words to read about history or God's creation or Jesus' life....scripture is literally our life owner's manual.  It isn't coincidence that many figures within the Bible face the same problems and issues we do today.  It isn't coincidence that some of the most Godly humans recorded in the scriptures were once murderers and adulterers.  That is purposely placed in the Good Book so WE can see how to live today and see that regardless of what we have done in our lives, God still has a divine plan for each of us.  We just have to be ready to listen.  Many of us walk around with ear plugs in our ears, tuning God out, until we need Him.  What we really don't understand is that we need His guidance at ALL times, not just in times of great need.  We have a tendency to think that as long as life is going good and we are in control, everything is great.  But boy when something goes wrong we begin to question God and begin begging for Him to reveal answers to us, when if we were seeking His guidance all along, we probably never would have gotten ourselves in the mess in the first place.

Question 3:
Will He forgive me?
The answer is simple....YES!  If you are sincere in your plea, He WILL forgive ANYTHING you have done.  The only thing He will NOT forgive is allowing yourself to take your last breath without ever accepting Him while on earth.  Once you shut your eyes and take your last breath it is too late.  You can not make a last minute decision at the pearly gates.  But there isn't anything that you could have done in this world that God can not forgive.  Remember, is not coincidence that some of the most Godly men in the Bible were at one time murderers and adulterers.  They lied, cheated, name it....God forgave them and He will you too.  But you have to be sincere.  You can fool any other human on this earth.  You can fool other believers in the church, but you can't fool God.  He knows your heart.  The church walls will not explode if you walk into the church.  Again, no sin is too great for God to forgive.  Every sin available today was available back when Jesus walked the just came in different packaging.  That is why reading your Bible and diving into daily scripture reading is so you can see your life parallel with someone else's.  The more you read, the more you realize that the sins you have committed are not as unforgivable as you think they are.  God wans us to know wwe are no different than any sinner before us.  He forgave them and used them then and He WILL do the same for you. 

And question 4:
Does He love me?
Love has been given a very bad name.  People use and abuse those words way too often.  Men will abuse their wives but in the same breath tell her those empty words to make things temporarily better.  Many do not know what love really is.  You don't know love until you have God in your heart and understand what He did for you.  God sent His son  to take nails through his hands and feet.  Because He loves YOU.  He sent His son to drip blood and have a sword driven into his side.  Because He loves YOU.  He sent His son to be mocked and ridiculed and to gasp for breath while gravity tore at his hands and feet.  Because He loves YOU.  He DOES LOVE YOU!  God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to walk our walk and to die for us so that we could be forgiven.  Jesus knew it was coming, yet, he didn't cry out for them to stop.  He never asked them to take it easy on him.  He never faught back.  He took every beating, harsh word, stab, nail, for YOU.  Because He loves YOU.

If you have been moved by this message and feel you need some not hesitate to call or communicate with our deacons listed or our pastor.  If you would like to visit Sparta Baptist Church, do not hesitate.  God may be moving in you and remember...ALLsins are forgivable except denying Christ.

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