Brother Spaulding's message revolved around one quote that he referred to frequently...."God said it, that settles it." Whether you believe it or not, if God said it, that is the end of discussion. There is no, "what if's or buts" when dealing with what God tells us. Do people see you as a person who always follows God's commands or do they see you following them only on Sunday, or do they see you not following them at all?
Our image is what the world sees. Do people look at you and say, "That person is like a flooding river ready to burst out of its banks and spread the good word" or do they look at you and say, "That person is like a stagnant pool of water, never going anywhere or doing anything"?
Satan wants people to see the church as dying. Looking around at what is acceptible in today's society, you can see that less and less people are working for the glory of God. Christians need to STAND UP TOGETHER NOW and share God's word!
Think of this.....what happens as rushing flood waters sweep across the land with force? It collects debris and things along the way. It sweeps things up and they join in the rush. This is the way a christian should be living their life. They should be out there, unashamed to show their love of the Lord, ready to spread the good word with others all the time, hearts bursting with excitement, picking up people along the way and sweeping them into the arms of our loving Father.
Our Christian life should not be like a stagnant pool of water. Stagnant is defined as being a body of water with no current or flow and often having an unpleasant smell as a cosequence. The only thing a stagnant pool of water attracts is mosquitoes! If we want to win people to Christ, we must be like flood waters bursting through the flood gates!
Mark 16:15 (King James Version)
15And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
We are commanded by God to be like those floodwaters and preach the gospel to every creature.
Our image we portray to others is our biggest testimony we have of our faith! So I ask you, what do others see in you? Does your image win people to Christ or push them away? Or is your image and Christian walk "stagnant"? Does your image show people you put God first in your life or is Satan controlling your desires? Become those rushing floodwaters! Share His love and your faith with someone today! Pray that God helps you to constantly have the mind of Christ and the desire to display a Christlike image!