Jeremiah 33:3 (King James Version)
3Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
Do we pray the way God expects us to? We teach prayer but struggle to give the Lord the time he deserves in prayer.
Prayer shouldn't be rushed. Do you rush prayer because your favorite television show is coming on or you have to get dinner on the table or the yard mowed? If you are rushing your prayer time, you are failing to see the power of God in your life.
Brother Holbrook shared the best analogy: "Prayer is like fuel for your car. You might have the most desired car on the planet, but without gas it isn't going anywhere. The same is for prayer. You may be a Christian but your Christian life and walk is going nowhere without your fuel.....prayer!"
Maybe you are reading this and are thinking to yourself, "I do pray." The question is do you pray the way God wants you to? Is your heart and mind in the right place when you enter into your prayer time?
Prayer is:
1.) Talking to God
2.) Humbling Yourself Before God (God already knows your every need, but he wants you to take the time and humble yourself before him and ask for it. Ask.....Seek......Knock).
3.) Heartfelt Conversation (words flow from your heart, not from a book or memorized verse).
Prayer is NOT:
1.) A Proud Show
2.) Vain Repetitions (those prayers you say just to be saying them.....the ones you learned as a kid and just say because they sound good.)
3.) Proud Attitude/Spirit
So where does your prayer life fall? Are you truly sitting with the Lord and enjoying his presence? There are some things that can "hinder" your prayer life.
1.) Lack of Faith/Doubting God's power
2.) Unconfessed Sin
3.) Discord in the Marriage
4.) Greed
5.) Pride
6.) Jealousy
7.) Anger
8.) Gossip
Let's take a look at how the Lord says we should pray. The answer is found in Luke 11:1-4.
Luke 11:1-4 (King James Version)
1And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.
2And he said unto them, When ye pray, say,
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
3Give us day by day our daily bread.
4And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
We have heard this prayer before but do we understand it? In fact, this may be one of those memorized prayers you say just to be saying it. You won't see God's power until you pray it with your heart and truly mean what you say.
"Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." This is simply saying, "Lord, I respect you. I am calling out your name."
"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth." "I understand that your will is what is best, and I am giving you total control. I trust you Lord."2And he said unto them, When ye pray, say,
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
3Give us day by day our daily bread.
4And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
We have heard this prayer before but do we understand it? In fact, this may be one of those memorized prayers you say just to be saying it. You won't see God's power until you pray it with your heart and truly mean what you say.
"Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." This is simply saying, "Lord, I respect you. I am calling out your name."
"Give us day by day our daily bread." "Make requests for your needs even though he already knows them......remember above.....he wants us to humble ourselves before him and ask."
"And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us." "Forgive me Lord for my sins, and help me to forgive those that have hurt me just like you willingly forgive me."
"And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil." "Lord help me in my daily walk to not be tempted by sin. Guide me to say and do the things I should. Keep evil thoughts and actions away from me."
This is what God expects from us through our daily prayer time.
"Respect His name, ask for His will to be done, make requests for your needs, ask for forgiveness, and ask for guidance and protection."
God rewards those who SEEK Him. The reward goes to those who settle for nothing less than Jesus himself. As Max Lucado says: "Don't be satisfied with angels. Don't be content with stars in the sky. Seek him out as the shepherds did. Long for him as Simeaon did. Worship him as the wise men did. Do as John and Andrew did, ask for his address. Do as Matthew, invite Jesus into your house. Imitate Zaccheaus. Risk whatever it takes to see Christ." The reward: To be more like Christ. No guilt, no bad habits, no fear of death.
He loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus. The only way you can truly seek God is through prayer. Check your prayer life. Is it where it should be?
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