Sunday, June 17, 2012

Where Is The Lamb?

Today we look at Genesis 22:7.  A moment all Christians are reminded of what Father's Day is all about.
 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
Today's message looks at 3 points....
1.)  Where is your spirit?
2.)  Where is your heart?
3.)  Where is your faith?

To understand the message you have to know what occurred prior to this passage in scripture.  Abraham and Sarah wanted a child.  Abraham prayed for a child day in and day out.  God finally told Abraham that He was going to give Sarah a son.  Sarah, being in old age, couldn't believe it but became pregnant with baby Isaac.  Abraham loved Isaac as any father would love a son and felt he was a true gift from God.  Abraham taught Isaac every fatherly lesson he to love God, worship God, how to take care of the land, home, and family.  While Isaac was a boy, God gave Abraham a disturbing message that I am sure weighed heavy on Abraham's heart.  He said to Abraham, "Go get your son that I gave to you and sacrifice him back to me." 

First of all, only Abraham could do what Abraham did.  As a parent, I am not sure I could do as he did.  But the lesson in this scripture is clear.  Abraham didn't have any outside worldly idols between himself and God.  How about you?  Let's look back at those 3 points....The first being, "Where is your spirit?"
Where would you say Abraham's spirit was?  Imagine telling the family that they (he and Isaac) were going to the alter to worship.  The family wasn't allowed to go.  Imagine the twist in Abraham's gut as he loaded the donkeys with the wood and rope and his only son, Isaac.  Knowing what was going to take place....the dread and pain he felt.  It was likely the longest trip.  Abraham knew what lay ahead.  Isaac didn't.  Abraham had to muster up a lot of courage to tell his family they couldn't go and he had to take Isaac....the one child he had prayed for day in and day out.

Abraham's spirit was clearly broken but with God.  He was doing as God instructed him to do. 
Psalms 51:17 says:
17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

There was nothing between Abraham and the Lord that day.  We all too often have worldly tings between us and God.  Those things keep us from worshiping Him.  Abraham had nothing standing in the way of his worshiping the Lord.  He did exactly as God commanded him to do.

James 4:6 says:
But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
Was Abraham humble...yes.  Where was his heart?  With God.  Too often we put I, Me and My in the way of worship.  Abraham could have easily said, "No, his is MY son and YOU can't have MY son!"  But God owns all of us.  No mother nor father could count the hairs on a child's head nor could they count every tear or breathe life into a child's lungs.  God does this.  Abraham fully understood that Isaac was God's and God had graced Abraham and Sarah with Isaac.  Abraham loved Isaac but He loved God more. 

Now picture this and let it tug at your heart.  Isaac looks at the wood and the fire and asks, "Daddy, where is the lamb?"  Like so many times before Isaac had helped his daddy offer sacrifice for God in worship and Isaac realized that something was missing.  Imagine Abraham standing there having to look at Isaac and answer that question.  It does't take long for Abraham's heart to hurt.  Imagine the tears that fell from Abraham's face as he ties Isaac's hands and cries, "Son I don't understand this but I love you.  You are the sacrifice."  Imagine the pain in his heart as Isaac cries in fear. 
Matthew 6:21 says:
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Abraham clearly loved God.  Look at his offering.  Abraham's heart was prepared for worship.  He let nothing come between he and God.  Now let's look at how this story turns.
Genesis 22:10 - 12 says:
10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
11 And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.
12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.

Where was Abraham's faith?  Completely in God.  When was the last time you jumped completely on faith without a safety net under you?  This is what Abraham did.  He could have taken a sheep or a goat just in case God changed his mind, but he didn't.  He completely put his spirit, heart and faith in God's ail scarred hands. 

You know, we couldn't imagine having to sacrifice our own child.  Would you have the same courage and faith as Abraham had this been you? 

This is Father's Day.  You DO have a father that did this for you!  God did this just for you.  He loves you that much that He sent His ONLY son to die on a cross to save YOU.  He could've easily said, "No, you can't have MY son."  But He didn't.  Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son to show his obedience and love to God.  God was willing and DID sacrifice His only son to show YOU his love for YOU!  There is no other Father more deserving of a "thank you" than the almighty one.   

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